“Language is not sterile to be confined to the classroom. One of two things must be done: either life must be brought to the classroom or the class must be taken to life.”
Strevens, p
Spoken language. 1956, p.69.

Our Services

Our live Social Interaction Sessions are real interactions with native speakers.

Our sessions follow a carefully curated guide made by EBritish Institute. The sessions are split into three parts:


During the introduction, teachers prepare their students for the live sessions with fun and engaging activities, as well as encouraging the students to put forward topics they would like to cover and discuss.

Live Socialisation and Immersion

Next, in the live socialisation phase, we will host different native speakers across London. Students might speak to fruit and veg sellers in Camden market, doctors or nurses at St Thomas hospital, staff at Wembley stadium or people working at the British library. We have many different native speakers, ensuring our students encounter a wide variety of different accents and dialects.

Wrap Up

Learners will return to the classroom and use interactive online tools for such as quizzes, or answering questions to really embed the knowledge gained from the live socialisation sessions. 


We will teach you the methods of how to teach our curriculum and Live Social Interaction Sessions

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